About Our Practice in Toronto

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Your Destination for Eye Care

Our team at Theo Eye Care is committed to providing a comprehensive experience every time you visit us. We thoroughly assess your vision and ocular health through detailed eye exams with a focus on technology and efficiency. 

Our practice is happy to offer all our services in English and Greek – Dr. Theo is fluent in both languages.

We offer direct billing and are partnered with:

Our team is passionate and excited about helping you achieve your vision goals! Schedule your next appointment with us today.

Our Mission

Our mission is to invest in new technology and evolve to help deliver an effective, productive eye care experience for our patients. Everything we do is to better diagnose and manage the eye care needs of our patients. We are invested in your eye health!

Meet Our Team


Dr. Pamela Theofilopoulos


Dr. Ema Hazra

Come Visit Us

You can find us on the corner of Danforth Ave and Pape Ave, right across the street from the Circle K.

Our Address

  • 658 Danforth Ave, Suite 204
  • Toronto, ON M4J 1L1

Contact Information

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Our Contact Lens Brands

Along with our comprehensive contact lens exams and fittings, we offer a variety of brands and online ordering services to help you find the perfect new lenses for your unique visual needs.

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